Usage: diff [OPTION]... FILE1 FILE2 -i --ignore-case Consider upper- and lower-case to be the same. -w --ignore-all-space Ignore all white space. -b --ignore-space-change Ignore changes in the amount of white space. -B --ignore-blank-lines Ignore changes whose lines are all blank. -I RE --ignore-matching-lines=RE Ignore changes whose lines all match RE. --binary Read and write data in binary mode. -a --text Treat all files as text. -c -C NUM --context[=NUM] Output NUM (default 2) lines of copied context. -u -U NUM --unified[=NUM] Output NUM (default 2) lines of unified context. -NUM Use NUM context lines. -L LABEL --label LABEL Use LABEL instead of file name. -p --show-c-function Show which C function each change is in. -F RE --show-function-line=RE Show the most recent line matching RE. -q --brief Output only whether files differ. -e --ed Output an ed script. -n --rcs Output an RCS format diff. -y --side-by-side Output in two columns. -w NUM --width=NUM Output at most NUM (default 130) characters per line. --left-column Output only the left column of common lines. --suppress-common-lines Do not output common lines. -DNAME --ifdef=NAME Output merged file to show `#ifdef NAME' diffs. --GTYPE-group-format=GFMT Similar, but format GTYPE input groups with GFMT. --line-format=LFMT Similar, but format all input lines with LFMT. --LTYPE-line-format=LFMT Similar, but format LTYPE input lines with LFMT. LTYPE is `old', `new', or `unchanged'. GTYPE is LTYPE or `changed'. GFMT may contain: %< lines from FILE1 %> lines from FILE2 %= lines common to FILE1 and FILE2 %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}LETTER printf-style spec for LETTER LETTERs are as follows for new group, lower case for old group: F first line number L last line number N number of lines = L-F+1 E F-1 M L+1 LFMT may contain: %L contents of line %l contents of line, excluding any trailing newline %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}n printf-style spec for input line number Either GFMT or LFMT may contain: %% % %c'C' the single character C %c'\OOO' the character with octal code OOO -l --paginate Pass the output through `pr' to paginate it. -t --expand-tabs Expand tabs to spaces in output. -T --initial-tab Make tabs line up by prepending a tab. -r --recursive Recursively compare any subdirectories found. -N --new-file Treat absent files as empty. -P --unidirectional-new-file Treat absent first files as empty. -s --report-identical-files Report when two files are the same. -x PAT --exclude=PAT Exclude files that match PAT. -X FILE --exclude-from=FILE Exclude files that match any pattern in FILE. -S FILE --starting-file=FILE Start with FILE when comparing directories. --horizon-lines=NUM Keep NUM lines of the common prefix and suffix. -d --minimal Try hard to find a smaller set of changes. -H --speed-large-files Assume large files and many scattered small changes. -v --version Output version info. --help Output this help. If FILE1 or FILE2 is `-', read standard input.